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How to Prevent Mobility Scooter Theft

Mobility scooters are stolen daily in the United States. Recently, security footage in Brooklyn shows a mobility scooter stolen from the front yard of an 83-year-old man.

Unfortunately, thieves are always on the lookout for expensive models so they can resell them for a high price. Numerous reports suggest mobility scooter theft is on the rise in the United States but there are a few things you can do to protect your property. 

Here are valuable tips to help protect your mobility scooter from thieves:  

Register Your Scooter Serial Number with the Local Police 

All mobility scooter models have a serial number placed on the device. This number is exclusive to that specific scooter which helps identify it when lost or stolen. It’s important to write down the serial number and keep it in a safe place in case you need to report it during an emergency. 

Here are common places you will find a serial number on a mobility scooter

  • Under the shroud cover or panels that protect the motor
  • On the mainframe
  • Near the battery  

If you are having a difficult time locating the serial number on your scooter, try to look somewhere on the device that is protected from rain or refer to the owner’s manual for further assistance.  

Many local police departments offer the opportunity to register your mobility scooter online. Check with your local police website to register online. You will need the following information ready when registering: 

  • Serial number
  • Brand name
  • Model
  • Color
  • Unique markings
  • Your contact information such as name, address, phone number, and email address. 
  • A picture of your mobility scooter

Once your registration is approved you will receive a tracking number via email which usually takes five business days to receive. You can also register in person at the local police department if the online registration process is not available in your city.  

Don’t Leave Your Mobility Scooter Exposed Outside 

Some mobility scooter models are designed to detach the battery to be charged indoors overnight. The removal of the battery allows you the option to leave the mobility scooter outdoors creating a false sense of security. While you might think the removal of the battery will deter thieves, unfortunately, it’s still at risk of being stolen.  

Also, the large size of some mobility scooter models that are primarily used for the outdoors is difficult to bring inside the house. For this reason, many owners leave their scooters in the front yard or walkway which increases the risk of theft.  

Investing in a cover to hide the scooter reduces the risk of theft. Also, storing the scooter in the garage or under a carport where it can’t be seen from the street helps lower the risk of theft.  

Invest in a Scooter Alarm

Some scooter models are equipped with a built-in anti-theft system. This is a standard feature that works similarly to a car alarm. The alarm is activated when it senses motion nearby such as someone sitting on the scooter or attempting to move it out of position. If your mobility device does not come with an alarm, you can have it installed at an affordable price. 

A helpful tip is to choose an alarm that comes with various volume setting options so you can adjust it to suit your needs. 

Choose a Scooter Model with an Ignition Starter Key

Invest in a mobility scooter that has an ignition key. This gives you control and allows you to remove the key when the scooter is not in use. Surprisingly, reports reveal that many owners forget to remove the key or walk away from the scooter for a brief moment leaving the key in the ignition, which gives thieves an invitation to easily steal the device. You can prevent theft by keeping the key with you at all times. 

Use a Wheel Lock or Clamp

Wheel clamps are an affordable and excellent way to protect your mobility scooter from theft. Most wheel clamps are capable of withstanding tools used by thieves. The clamp also eliminates the possibility of a thief driving away with your scooter. A wheel clamp requires you to reach towards the ground each time you place it on the scooter. If you have difficulty bending down, choosing one or more of the other helpful solutions on this list instead is recommended. 

Install a GPS or Tracking Device on the Mobility Scooter

A GPS tracker used for standard bicycles works the same for mobility scooters. It provides a layer of control and security if your scooter is stolen. Most tracking devices are designed to alert you with a text message regarding its location. 

You can easily install a GPS tracking device on your mobility scooter at an affordable price. Invest in a high-quality bicycle tracker to ensure the security of your scooter. 

Get Insurance for Your Mobility Scooter

Speak to an insurance agent in your area to inquire about insuring your mobility scooter. Sometimes you can have the option added to an existing policy or coupled in a package. Typically, mobility scooter insurance provides protection for theft, loss, damage, and third-party liability.   

Also, keep in mind that Medicare Part B covers the expense of medical devices if needed to treat a medical condition. Mobility scooters qualify as durable medical equipment (DME) and you would need to have a prescription from a doctor to receive the coverage. You can inquire with your doctor to see if Medicare Part B will cover a stolen mobility scooter.  

To qualify for Medicare Part B you need to be 65 years or older and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident for five consecutive years. Please visit for further information regarding mobility scooters and insurance coverage. 

Mobility scooters are stolen every day in the United States. It happens quickly and leaves the user stranded at home or in a public place. 

It’s wise to protect your investment and use a variety of safety measures simultaneously to make it difficult for a thief to walk away with your scooter. For example, register your scooter with the local police, insure your device, install a GPS tracker, invest in an alarm, and hide your scooter in a safe place if you need to leave it outdoors. Don’t forget a wheel clamp provides the ultimate protection!

Keep your scooter safe and secure with the prevention tips mentioned above. Get started today!